
White Mould: In-Crop Disease Development and Management

White mold is an important disease of dry beans in Ontario and in-crop management of white mold occurs during flowering. White mold spores can land on stems, leaves or pods but deteriorating flower petals are very susceptible to infection. Spores colonize flower tissue, and the disease enters other healthy plant tissues when infected flower petals…Continue readingWhite Mould: In-Crop Disease Development and Management


Alfalfa Mosaic Virus

Description Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), also known as Lucerne mosaic virus or Potato calico virus, can infect over 600 plant species in 70 different plant families, inlcuding dry beans, soybeans, peas, alfalfa, potato, peppers, sow thistle, vetch, nightshades, annual medic species, and clover species, to name a few. Transmission can occur on seed, but in Ontario dry…Continue readingAlfalfa Mosaic Virus


Root Rot in Edible Beans – No Easy Fix

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